Wednesday, July 22, 2009

puncak pt. II

wuih telat banget hue ngepost ini hahahaha jadi di hari kedua gue bangunnya siang gitu kaaaan abis itu gue mandi terus main sepeda terus pergi makan. mau tau gue makan apa? sate dan sop kambing :9 enak lhhhooooooo huahahaha abis itu gue ke taman safari kannn terus gue kasih makan buat zebranya donggg :p tapi gue gafoto. abis itu gue ke cimory untuk makan gituu terus abis itu balik ke villa terus abis itu pulang deeeeh.

sorry gue lagi ganiat ngepost haha

Friday, July 17, 2009

puncak pt. I

Heylo heylo gue lagi di puncak dongg wihih baru nyampe tadi jam 10 gitu, menghindar dari macet haha. Kita disini rame-rame gituu weeeeeey besok bakal sewwruwww huihui sekarang masa udah jam 1 tapi gue belom ngantuk? Aneh. Oiya villanya keren deeh terus kalo ke villanya jalannya serem gitu kaya gada kehidupan tapi villanya kul huahahaha oiya jalannya juga jurang gituu jadi sebelah kanan gunung sebelah kiri jurang terus GELAP. Di villa sebelah kan ada anjing haha gue gangguin aaaah

Sorry gue agak tulalit nih jadi wajar gak nyabung

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Yeaaaay nanti sore ke puncak wakakakak kampung amat ya ke puncak seneng haha seperti yg gue bilang di post sebelomnya. Oiya kemaren kan gue tbi, hpnya shabrina bunyi tapi yg ditanyain si cam gue -_- padahal bunyinya dimana guenya dimana krik ah yessssh bentar lg mu huahua tapi masa gue gada temennyyaaaa :'''( pada gak nntn gituuu ffffff

Hmm gasabar sampe nanti sore! Wuih naik kudaaaaaaaaaaaa

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

i miss you guys :''''''''''''''''''''''')

heeeeeyya, i have something to tell ya. i miss my childhood friends, my dance practice friends and other friends from the indonesian embassy back in the states ahahaha well there is one person i still like to meet :) ratrrrrrrri mireeeelli! we used to play with the others and the most fun one was watching abie doing his dance with the song ass like that by eminem, i know what youre thinking hahaha
if any of you guys read this, tell meeeeeeeeee :D

mudah-mudahan jadi :)

heylo! tadi malem gue gabisa tidur donggg karena ketakutan -_- jadi gue pindah ke kamar ortu gue terus tidur di sofa. gue di kamar gue sendiri melek gak kedip gak ngantuk terus pas pindah kamar........................langsung tidur zzz oiya masa ya hari ini mobil gue dipake jadi gue gabisa ke ulang taun laras :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''( hmm besok mudah-mudah jadi ke puncak hahaha norak yee, ke puncak aja seneng hahaha tapi gue suka banget kalo pergi-pergi gituuuuuuu kan kalo di puncak bisa naik kuda :3 terus kita bisa ngumpul-ngumpul gitu sama keluarga hihi


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Dasar penakut -_____-

Taugaseh gue hari ini cuma tidur 4 jam an -,- padahal kan liburannnn mau tau kenapa cepet tidurnya? Gue ketakutan pfft jadi giniiiii, karena adek gue baru sembuh dia jadinya tidur sama bonyok gue jadi gue tidur sama mbak gue deh (gue gak berani tidur sendiri) gue keluar dari kamar bonyok gue jam 11.30an karena mbak gue baru naik. Gue di kamar gak langsung tidur, gue check fb plurk twitter dulu pake ipod teehee :3 terus tidur dehhh............. Jam 4.30 gue kebangun terus mbak gue gak adaaaa! Gue langsung aja teriak namanya, dia naik dehh terus dia mondar mandir di kamar, gue lagi berusaha untuk tidur lagi. Tapiiiii gak bisaaaaaa! Mbak gue nungguin gue di kamar sampe jam stngah 6an, gue nyuruh dia nungguin gue sampe terang wakakakakakakakak abis itu tau gak sih ada suara "kedubraaaak" mbak gue kaget langsung turun kannn ternyata itu tuh supir gue lg buka pintu -___- yaudah kan gue udah gak ngantuk (padahal masih 5.30) gue ke kamar nyokap gue ajaaa, gue nyalain lampu deket comp kan terus nyokap gue bilang
M (nyokap) S (gue)
M: jam berapa ini kak?
S: jam 6 kurang
M: nanti stngah 8 bangunin adek ya, kamu main comp aja sana
Terus gue sambil nunggu comp nyala
M: kamu pasti ketakutan
S: (ngeles) aku udah gak ngantuk
Aduuuuh iya dong gue takut hahahaha yaudah tuh gue ngeliat blog orang2, ngecheck fb dll. Hauahahaha

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The game of life

Gue hari ini gak kmn2, dirumah sakit perut minum obat gak mempan -__________- tapiii, gue gak tbi woohoo refi akhirnya cabut deh. Gue dirumah cuma main skateboard sama the game of life, males ol gatau kenapa. Terus tadi mati lampu weeek pas lampunya nyala, tvnya langsung nyala terus langsung aja tuh tentang MJ the king of pop. Lagu2nya kereeeeen! Gue tuh paling suka kalo dia moonwalk hihihi kwerweeennnn


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

3 days with ratri mirella

Okay so you all know that my bro was sick and had to stay in singapore for about a month. Then, his docter said he can go to places already, so we decided to malay! The very first thing i remember to bring was mirelli's yupi :3 hahahaha so here it goes..............................

Day 1:
I arrived in KL at night so i didnt go anywhere. When i arrived at her house, i went to her room right away and hugged her hahahaha we took pictures, browse the internet, and other things. My mom told me we were gonna go to genting the next day so she told us to wake up early. We chit chatted until 2.30 in the morning

Day 2:
We woke up at 8 haaaaau so eaaarrlyy then showered right away. After that we ate breakfast and ciaaaaao off to genting. Ontway to genting, we took pics and listened to music. When we arrived at genting, we ride the sky train or wtever its called. So yeah we didnt really do anything there, just took pictures and other stuff. After that we went to pavilion and we ate at sakae sushi :9:9:9 while we were eating we were also talking about our childhood. My bro then randomly said "we're in the future" and i was like "OMGG" we used to say that when we were at dance practice hahahaha so yeah we finished eating and we went to a couple of stores. Then we went to klcc. We went to zara topshop and othersss. Me and ratri bought pretzels :p then we ate it at the park. Then we say "alert 2 o'clock" alllll thheee timmeeeee then we went home and took pics and late night photos

Day 3:
We went to the curve and shopped there, well actually i didnt buy anything. We went to borders and went to the starbucks there. I was looking for the book 'why men marry bitches' but it was SOLD OUT i mean, im so curious what its about. Loaaads of peeps read it. So yeah we went to the stores and took pics and blaaabla we were tired so we ate at marche, yuuuum i ate alot! Soo after the curve we went to klcc for awhile. then it was time for me to go back and say goodbye to her hahahaha